
Pedal Car Safety Tips for Your Child

Pedal car models that are the exact replica of the real ones are made from metals that with proper care can be passed to the next generation. Though they were made with safety in mind for the kids, it pays to be extra careful when children are concerned. The safety features will add enjoyment to the children and peace of mind to the parents.
• Most vintage model cars use lead based paint, we all know that lead is harmful to the health. When buying choose the pedal toy with safety features in mind.
• Pedal cars are designed with no automatic brakes and rely only on the power of the feet. They should only be used on hard and flat surfaces. The child may have difficulty in controlling his feet when on a downhill.
• Since the child uses his feet and dangles from the car, avoid pushing the car for this may result in injury. Let the child pedal on the car so that the feet can coordinate with the speed of the car.
• Always supervise the child while playing with the pedal car because they are designed low and close to the ground. Drivers of may not see the pedal toy while playing in the driveway or on the road. Make sure that the child does not play near the traffic.
• Ensure that the child is fully equipped with proper clothing when on the pedal toy. No loose clothing that may get caught in the mechanism of the car. The child must wear helmet in case when the car tips off and proper shoes with no loose lace for the same reason that it might get caught in the drive chain.
• Since the child is outside, make sure that you apply the child with sunscreen and keep him hydrated all the time. Light weight with light colored clothing is the most appropriate clothing for your child. Keep them away from the flower beds where there may be some insects or other animals that maybe hiding on the plants.
• Teach your child proper hand and foot coordination especially when he is maneuvering.
While the pedal car is classic and collectible item, the safety of the child must the primary concern of every parent. We all know what should be done to ensure the safety of our kids. Better judgment and commons sense are needed when the child is playing to ensure that he will not encounter injuries while on the move.

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